
Suse-Linux-E FAQ

SuSE English Linux Mailinglist

This part is a summary of what you would get if you send an empty email to . The Mailing list admin can change the contents of the reply you will receive, so it is a good idea to request it from time to time.

1. Why don't you provide searchable archives of this list?
2. Why do my replies go to the original poster and not the list?
3. How do I get the list in digest form instead of separate emails?
4. Can I send attachments to the list?
5. How do I contact a human regarding problems with the list?
6. Why do you restrict postings to subscribers?
7. I receive the list without problems, but whenever I try to post or retreive the archives, my mail bounces with a warning that only subscribers are allowed to post.
8. I just received a strange message from something called ezmlm about bouncing messages. What's going on?
9. I'm wondering if Linux is "better" than Windows. Should I post that questions to the list?
10. How do I pause deliveries from the list while I'm on vacation?

Why don't you provide searchable archives of this list?

The archives are far too large to be indexed by us. Very complete archives that are searchable can be found here:

Alternatively, you can prepend your search on Google.com with lists site:lists.suse.com. E.g., to search for lilo 1024 you would type lists site:lists.suse.com lilo 1024 into the search field.


Why do my replies go to the original poster and not the list?

We do not "munge" the mail headers by inserting a "Reply-To: suse-linux-e@suse.com" because it makes it more difficult for the subscribers to handle the mail the way they want to. Your mail client probably has a "reply" function, as well as a "reply to all" or "reply to list". Please use the latter if you want your message to go to the list and not just to the original poster.

Also, please don't complain about this on the list, it has been discussed many, many, many times in the past already.

For background information, click here


How do I get the list in digest form instead of separate emails?

We don't offer digested lists for several reasons:

  1. Most of our lists (especially this one) are far too large to make digests useful. Are you really going to read an ~500K email once per day? Yes, it's the same amount that you would receive as separate mail, but it's easy to delete or skip messages that don't interest you, in that case; it's not worth a digest.

  2. In our experience, digests tend to decrease the quality of list postings. They do this by encouraging the sorts of behaviors that are often considered rude or in poor 'netiquette': replying to mail with the incorrect subject header or other headers that make it impossible for threaded mail clients to work properly, replying to mail without reading the entire thread first, and probably more. Of course, people who do things like this are often the cause of huge flame wars about proper netiquette that can go on for days, often with the result of having very helpful and knowledgeable people leaving the list in disgust.

  3. Usually, when people request digests what they are really asking for, is a way to keep the list mail from flooding their mailbox and making it harder to find and read non-list mail. This is a valid concern and one that is best handled with mail filtering, not digests. If your system is configured to use procmail to deliver mail locally (SuSE's postfix and sendmail packages are), all you need to do is create a file in your home directory named '.procmailrc' that contains something like the following:

          	MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail   # where do you keep your mail?
    	DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/inbox  # what's your default mail box?
    	# if mail is from list put it in $MAILDIR/foo
    	* ^Mailing-List:.*suse-linux-e

    Everything else will be placed in $DEFAULT. By default, procmail creates a normal mbox formatted mail box, so if you want to copy the file somewhere (e.g., to a PDA) you only need to, in the above example, copy $MAILDIR/sle. Of course, procmail is capable of much more than what this simple example shows, so please read procmailrc(5) and procmailex(5) for more information.


Can I send attachments to the list?

The short answer is 'no'. We may strip attachments that contain something other than plain text and bounce email that only contains attachments. Likewise, HTML email is *strongly* discouraged and may be blocked as well.


How do I contact a human regarding problems with the list?

Email suse-linux-e-owner@suse.com.


Why do you restrict postings to subscribers?

suse-linux-e is a high-traffic mailing list with a huge number of subscribers, because of this we want to limit crossposting and SPAM.


I receive the list without problems, but whenever I try to post or retreive the archives, my mail bounces with a warning that only subscribers are allowed to post.

Most likely your envelope and header From addresses are different. There's nothing necessarily wrong with this (it's quite common on large domains, for example), but it does make things a little more complicated. We use the 'envelope' From for authentication, not the header From. If you don't know what any of this means, then email ml-admin@suse.com and ask them to subscribe you.


I just received a strange message from something called ezmlm about bouncing messages. What's going on?

It means that a message that we attempted to deliver to you bounced. It happens, don't worry about it. If the warning bounces however, then your address is flagged and ezmlm will be sending you a probe within 10 days at the latest. If that bounces, then you are automatically unsubscribed from the list.


I'm wondering if Linux is "better" than Windows. Should I post that questions to the list?

Please don't. It's a an extremely tired, overdiscussed topic and rarely results in anything approaching a useful conclusion. Questions like "I need to do BLAH and in Windows I could do it with the BLAH program. How do I do that in Linux?" are entirely appropriate, of course.


How do I pause deliveries from the list while I'm on vacation?

You unsubscribe before you leave and resubscribe when you return. Please understand that you may be unsubscribed if you have an improperly configured auto-responder (e.g., vacation(1)) that is sending messages to the list or the other subscribers.

Updated: Tue, 03 Feb 2004
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