Ben Rosenberg
In 8.1 the Java plugin Mozilla downloaded would not work, because
SuSEs Mozilla was compiled with GCC 3, and the plugin was compiled
with GCC 2.95.
You can get around this without any trouble. Just go to this site to
read about them...they put a very nice GCC 3.2 compiled package of JAVA
1.4.1 and it works just fine with Mozilla when it's compiled with GCC
3.2. :)
Or you can just ftp directly and get it...
The file you want is called j2re-1.4.1-01-linux-i586-gcc3.2.bin.
After downloading, just move it to /usr/lib and do this.. -
chmod +x j2re-1.4.1-01-linux-i586-gcc3.2.bin
This will unpack it into /usr/lib/j2re1.4.1
You do not have to change the default settings for Java at all. Instead
you just make a softlink from your /opt/mozilla/plugins directory to the
plugins directory in /usr/lib/j2re1.4.1/ and it should look like this... -> /usr/lib/j2re1.4.1/plugin/i386/mozilla/
After making this softlink then Java should work just fine with your GCC
3.2 compiled browser. :)
It's not the best solution but it's a hell of a lot better then waiting
for Sun to pull the heads from where then Sun doesn't shine in order to
get a GCC 3.2 compiled pkg from them. And blackdown's been around a
long time. I've never heard complaints about them.