
Desktop: Gnome Related Problems

Gnome FAQ

1. How can I change the colors in Nautilus ?
2. How can I install Ximian Evolution ?
3. How can I install Ximian ?
4. How do I stop Nautilus drawing the desktop ?
5. After installing KDE 3.2, I don't have an option to boot into Gnome

How can I change the colors in Nautilus ?

In gconf-editor, set the following two keys to false:



How can I install Ximian Evolution ?

Ximian Evolution is an MS Outlook clone, that (for my purposes and considering that it's only a 1.2 release) does it better than Outlook does. These instructions are for installing only Evolution, none of the other Ximian products. For details and screenshots, see http://ximian.com/products/evolution/.

The binary RPMs for SuSE 7.3, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 are located at ftp://ftp.ximian.com/pub/ximian-evolution/,

or here http://www.usr-local-bin.org and just click the links to the Evolution downloads (these are for SuSE 8.2 only). In the Ximian ftp site, there's a lot of junk there that we're not interested in. Obviously the important file is the evolution rpm, but there's really no way it'd simply be as easy as installing only one RPM. This RPM has many dependancies, which in turn have many dependancies. You can grab them with ftp, wget, a browser, whatever. If you want to be smooth, you can do a quick rectangle-kill and rectangle-yank with the ftp address above and create a quick & dirty shell script to download them for you...anyway, grab these files relevant to the SuSE version you have, and put them into a directory together:


Many of these rpm's can usually be found already on the SuSE CD's, but if you're wanting the latest and greatest, it may need the newest of the dependency rpm's also. Now that you have all (hopefully) of the files, you should check to see if there are any dependancies we have to meet.

  $> su
  $> cd dir-with-evolution-rpms/
  $> rpm --test -Uhv *.rpm

If you get some errors due to failed dependancies, then we need some more packages. Hopefully the dependancy is named something sensible that will match or almost match an RPM name from the ftp directory. Try browsing it with a web browser and doing a 'find in page' for some substring of the dependancy.

If you have luck like mine, that won't help. Go to www.google.com and do a quick search for the dependancy name and ximian, you should find the package that the resource is in easily. Grab it too, and then re-run 'rpm --test -Uhv *.rpm' again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Eventually we'll have no more failed dependancies, meaning it's on to... Installing:

If you've gotten this far, it should be a piece of cake to install the RPMs. Do an

  $> rpm -Uhv *.rpm

to install the whole lot of them. If RPM complains that some are already installed, you can delete that particular RPM, or (if you're brave), do an

  $> rpm --force --nodeps *.rpm

Now 'exit' from root, and type 'evolution'. If you have path issues, the executable is in /opt/gnome/bin/

The user's manual is installed under


You may try to install the RPMS from SuSE in that case see


How can I install Ximian ?

You could always just install the SuSE built RPMS (includes 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0)


of Gnome 1.4, (so it isn't Ximian, but close enough) and very little effort involved.


How do I stop Nautilus drawing the desktop ?

John Pettigrew

You have some weird incarnation of KDE and Gnome running in root.

At some point, you ran nautilus. This, by default, will draw your desktop for you. What you need to do is to start Nautilus explicitly, then go to EditPreferences, Desktop & Trash, then deselect "Use Nautilus to draw the desktop" and click OK. Thereafter, even if you do run nautilus, it won't take your desktop over.


After installing KDE 3.2, I don't have an option to boot into Gnome

su to root and run

ln -s /opt/gnome/bin/gnome-session /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-session

Updated: Tue, 10 Feb 2004
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